Monday, 19 December 2011

Teacups, Fruits and Flowers

Hello Again!

As always I have been busy quilt making, however, this week I have been sewing for some smaller customers. I thought I would make some more child cot quilts/blankets as they are just so cute!

This quilt features a pastel colour scheme that mainly consists of florals, checks and spots. It also includes some more unique squares that feature teacups and saucers and red and green apples!

Because the quilt itself is smaller, I decided to make the squares smaller too which looks really effective. I also added a pink border which matches the pink underside and a matching cushion which also features a pink border.

The quilt is small and would look great on a child's bed or on a small chair. It is also easy to transport and can be used in the back of the car or when staying over at friends!

I hope it makes your mouth water like it does mine!


Ps, I now have a Facebook page it features my quilt collection to date so feel free to have a browse!

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